
De Keyser Construction

Discover the Rich History of De Keyser Construction

The history of De Keyser Construction reflects a strong reputation of quality and integrity while serving Green Bay and Northeastern Wisconsin. In the beginning, our main focus was municipal sewer and water projects. Since then, we have widened the scope of our projects and have extensive experience in commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential projects. Below, is a timeline of our work. Once you've taken a look, please call us to learn more about how we can assist with your utility construction needs.

Our Timeline


De Keyser Construction was started in 1965 by Ron De Keyser and his cousin Jim De Keyser. Dan De Keyser bought into the company three years later and became a partner. Dan had been working with them since the start but took time off in 1969 when he was drafted and served six years in the US Marines.

A black and white photo of an excavator with a license plate that says crest on it
A newspaper article about space age technology used in sewer project


In the photo (left) the Green Bay Press Gazette used the phrase "Space Age Technology" to describe using a laser beam to install a sewer pipe.


The municipal project on the left involved installing 12" concrete sanitary sewer on Verlin Rd for the Village of Bellevue, formerly the Town of Bellevue.

A man is driving a red excavator in a snowy field
A large orange excavator is digging a hole in the dirt


The University of Wisconsin Green Bay (UWGB) officially moved from the Deckner Center to its current location in Green Bay in 1969. As for most universities, growth is ongoing. The photo was taken in 1971. De Keyser Construction was involved in the installation of a 36" concrete storm sewer.


By 1987, De Keyser Construction was well established in the commercial and industrial side of sewer and water construction. This photo was taken while installing a 10" sanitary sewer at the I-43 Industrial Park.

A large red excavator is digging in a pile of dirt
A yellow excavator is loading dirt into a dump truck
Underdrain systems are installed to prevent premature pavement failure. De Keyser worked at the U.S. Army Reserve building in 1992 installing an underdrain system for their parking lot.


Construction began in early 2001 for a massive redevelopment project of Lambeau Field. For De Keyser Construction it was a $3 million dollar sewer and water project, one of their highest-profile jobs on record.

An aerial view of a construction site with a large building in the background
An excavator is digging a hole in front of a building that says ramp


De Keyser Construction has not limited itself to projects in the Green Bay area alone. Through the years they have completed projects throughout Wisconsin, including Port Washington, the Fox Cities, and north. Here is an installation of a 21" storm sewer in downtown Appleton.


By 2004, De Keyser Construction's scope of projects spread from sanitary sewer, storm sewer, emergency sewer and water repair, underdrains and water main installation, and more. This photo shows De Keyser Construction installing an 8" water main on Pilgrim Way in Ashwaubenon.

A komatsu excavator is digging a pile of dirt
A de keyser excavator sits in a pile of dirt


In 2012, De Keyser Construction was proud to be a local subcontractor for the $143 million Lambeau Field stadium expansion project.


In 2016, De Keyser Construction was proud to be a part of the Aurora BayCare Medical Center Vince Lombardi Cancer Center Addition.

A volvo excavator is parked in front of a building under construction
A construction site with a bobcat excavator in the foreground
In 2019, another local project "Freedom House" that De Keyser Construction was proud to be a part of.
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